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January 19, 2010


Julie Lucas Runco

The mood is always your patellate I feel .. you seem to capture the moment with your selection of subject.

I enjoy your figures and even though this painting shares little in approach to the figures one thing you like to play with .. is light.. that's good because it's a step a lot of artist don't want to take on.. it's hard to say the least. But makes all the difference in the success of a picture in any form Photography too.

I first like Watercolors like your city one here on this page, I do watercolors too. I enjoy the freshness and clear unmudeeeed (?) look unless you are painting mud then well ya, but still it's the freshest mud around : ) When you come around or in Oregon Please let me know I would like to here you talk about your work and the evolution of your process, you know "What makes you .. you"


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