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January 19, 2010


Kathleen Morrow

Congratulations Dan!
I met you at your studio at Moro Bay about 3 years ago as I was camping there with friends. You impressed me as a very nice man. My daughter's name is Tessa! It has remained a unique name. God bless you all. I am sorry for your loss - such a young mother. I lost my mother at 64 and miss her. I'm sure she made you the man you are today.


dio che belezza, voi quattro. mi dispiace tantissimo per tua mamma, ma dio ti ha dato questa creatura, e vita e morte si comparono. come va lavita comestate?. io cercoancora casa e cerco di non disperare, ma per il resto va bene un grande bacio a voi e vi penso spesso


Wow, Dan et al.

Felicidades. Hope to see more of you all in 2010.

with love and hugs,

ps, your painting rocks!

Gordon Pfitzer

Great picture buddy!Also love that picture of Karen and you! how's the proud papa?


Marlene Schultz and Phil Walent

THanks, Dan...

We loved the pictures of the kids too!

Marlene and Phil

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